Following are the rule change proposals from the rules committee.  The exact wording of the motions presented may change, but the items are printed so as to be explicitly presented for discussion.  The new rule proposals are presented as a motion.  The rule changes have the rule as it is now followed by the changes proposed, followed by the rule as it would be if adopted.

A. Rule 25 as it exists: Only stock cast iron or aluminum intake manifolds with ports not to exceed 1 1/8" diameter are allowed.  New manufactured with ports not to exceed 1 1/8" are allowed.

Motion to strike "or aluminum" and "New manufactured with ports not to exceed 1 1/8" are allowed."

New rule would read: Only stock cast iron intake manifolds with ports not to exceed 1 1/8" diameter are allowed.


B. Rule 33 as it exists: A restrictor plate with two gaskets provided by the Association, will be placed between the intake manifold and carburetor, supervised by the inspectors on the day of the inspection. Plate will be a thickness of 1/8 inch metal with an 11/16 inch diameter hole. Restrictor plates will not be used on engines with cast iron pistons.

Motion to strike rule 33 in its entirety.


C. Rule 7 as it exists: No tailgating of support or tour vehicles.

Motion to add "or any non-participating vehicles."

Rule 7 would then read: No tailgating of support or tour vehicle or any non-participating vehicles.


D. Rule 32 as it exists: Only NH swayback and/or Ford "F" swayback carburetors allowed. Must be complete including choke butterfly. The Association's 0.710 inch gauge MUST NOT go through the carburetor.

Motion to add "no altering" after word "allowed".

Rule 32 would then read: Only NH swayback and/or Ford "F" swayback carburetors allowed, no altering. Must be complete including choke butterfly. The Association's 0.710 inch gauge MUST NOT go through the carburetor.


E. Motion to add new rule: The use of performance enhancing fuels or additives is not allowed.  All cars must use straight pump gas as fuel.


F. Rule 52 as it exists: Any cam that doesn't require modification of the block may be used. Bearing bores must be standard size, no relieving of the bearing bores. Camshaft bearings and seal optional.

Add "provided gross lift does not exceed .250" " after word "used". 

Rule 52 would then read: Any cam that doesn't require modification of the block may be used, provided gross lift does not exceed .250". Bearing bores must be standard size, no relieving of the bearing bores. Camshaft bearings and seal optional.


G. Motion to add new rule: Auxiliary rear pan supports are allowed.


H. Motion to add new rule: All drivers are required to adhere to posted speed limits.


I. Motion to add new rule: Are cars are required to have a working speed indicator.


J. Motion to add new rule: Balancing of rotating parts optional.


K. Motion to make new rule: Type of high speed clutch optional.


L. Rule 27 as it exists: Only stock Ford roller type, New Day, Anderson flapper type timers or Crystal timers allowed. Ball or needle bearing rollers optional. Quick couplers NOT ALLOWED in timer wires.

Motion to add: "brush design optional" after words "Crystal timers allowed."

New rule would read: Only stock Ford roller type, New Day, Anderson flapper type timers or Crystal timers allowed, brush design optional. Ball or needle bearing rollers optional. Quick couplers NOT ALLOWED in timer wires.


(end of rule change proposals)


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